We believe in a built environment in harmony with nature

Building circularity

onmatter was founded to revolutionize the construction industry by developing bio-based circular building materials. Our innovative solutions enable construction professionals and builders to create a carbon negative and zero waste built environment without compromising on performance, safety, or price. With our patent-pending process, we transform low-value organic byproducts into high-quality, circular construction materials.

Enabling a Sustainable
Built Environment

At onmatter, our vision is to enable a built environment that is in perfect harmony with nature. That means less strain on the environment due to emissions, waste or resource consumption. This is why our bio-based circular building materials are made from upcycled waste streams and can be recycled repeatedly after its usage without degradation. We aim for materials that store carbon instead of causing them.

Meet the Team

We are a diverse and passionate group of professionals

Marlene Stechl

Circular Design & Material Science

Fleischer Acuña

Business Strategy

Rojas Sonderegger
Founding Partner

Construction Material Recycling


Sustainable Building

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